On 24.02.2022, Russia launched a war of aggression on neighbouring Ukraine – a free and democratic state of Europe. The invasion brings immeasurable suffering to a country that has already been painfully suffering for eight years from the consequences of the illegal annexation of Crimea and the war in the Donbas.
At the same time, it is an attack on the fundamental values of Europe, the United Nations, and a massive breach of international law. The renunciation of violence and the preservation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty have been broken by Russia.
As students, alumni, young scholars, and Europeans, strongly condemn the actions of the Russian Federation and strongly support our friends and neighbours in Ukraine.
The Ukrainian as well as the Russian civil society did not want this war and did not trigger it. However, the people are the greatest victims of this disastrous decision by President Putin based on his neo-imperialist aspirations and instrumentalised history.
We therefore stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and with all citizens throughout Europe and in Russia who stand up for peace, freedom, and equality. We also express our united solidarity with our fellow students and scholars in Ukraine and stand ready to support them. We call on all committed young Europeans to help Ukraine in this difficult situation.
The following organisations and agencies can provide direct and immediate help on the ground or to the people fleeing. We – as signatories of this call and representatives of students and alumni across Europe – support these NGOs and initiatives and kindly ask you to contribute as well. Please feel free to share and raise awareness.
Where can I help
Emergency Aid Ukraine Libereco Partnership for Human Rights e.V. and Vostok SOS Libereco IBAN: DE96 8309 4495 0003 3203 32 BIC: GENO DE F1 ETK Libereco website |
Aid to the most vulnerable: Polish Humanitarian Action Alior Bank S.A. IBAN: PL87 2490 0005 0000 4600 6277 7551 SWIFT CODE: ALBPPLPW PAH website |
Aid for Ukrainian civilians: Revived Soldiers Ukraine Donate (paypal.com) RSU website |
Donations for the Ukrainian Armed Forces: National Bank of Ukraine BENEFICIARY: National Bank of Ukraine BENEFICIARY’S ACCOUNT: UA843000010000000047330992708 BENEFICIARY’S BANK: National Bank of Ukraine CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT: IBAN DE05504000005040040066 CORRESPONDENT BANK: DEUTSCHE BUNDESBANK, Frankfurt SWIFT CODE: MARKDEFF NBU Website |
Direct help on the frontline: Hospitallers 4149629301181756 – PrivatBank, Elena Gerasimyuk IBAN: UA543282090000026203800140465 More information |
Help for traumatised children: Voices of Children Account in the correspondent bank: 400886700401 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank COBADEFF Correspondent bank Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany VoC website |
Alliance Queer Emergency Ukraine Fundraising Campaign Direct transfer Pay-Pal (Conrad Breyer) |
Philipp Bittner, Chair of AMUROST e.V.
Camilla Lopez, Board Member of AMUROST e.V.
Paul Primbs, Board Member of AMUROST e.V.
Philine Kieslich, Board Member of LMU Munich Lawyers Without Borders
Matthias Melcher, Co-Chair Junge DGO Regional Group Munich
Mareike zum Felde, Co-Chair Junge DGO Regional Group Bremen
Caroline Finkelday, Co-Chair Junge DGO Regional Group Bremen
Lone Grotheer, Board Member of FZS e.V.
Valentina Gilardoni, President of MAiA – MIREES Alumni International Association
Paulina Gurgul, President of Collegium Invisibile
Horia-Șerban Onița, President of The National Alliance of Student Organisations in Romania
Anna Lanina, President of The Polish Forum of Young Diplomats
Justin Patrick, President of The International Association for Political Science Students
Nikolai Ott, Co-Founder and Editor of Keep It Liberal
Sarah Grandke, Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial / denk.mal Hannoversche Bahnhof
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